Digital sublimation printing

Digital Sublimation has many advantages, including:
1. The printing time is significantly shortened. It used to take several days to create a design image, to create a sample, and to get the finished product ready for delivery,
but digital sublimation only takes few hours to complete the entire design process.
2. The technical process is shortened. You can have a finished product immediately after printing, which provides customers with a quick turnaround.
3. Images can easily be customized to meet an individual client's request.
This is where creativity comes into play, because customers have control over the design and colors!
4. An abundance of color and images is at your fingertips; you can choose from 16,700,000 different colors!
You have the option to enhance images with a professional color palette to create very striking results.
There is no need to create a mesh screen with digital sublimation printing, which saves a lot of printing time.
You can simply alter the design on the computer and make color selections with the click of a mouse.
This also saves money on materials and labor!
Digital sublimation is considered green printing because it significantly reduces pollution; it is done by computer, so it reduces both water and noise pollution associated with
the old way of printing images onto textiles.
Digital Sublimation printing does not work on natural fiber fabrics.
It is only suited for synthetic materials and works best with Polyester or Nylon.
Customize your Polyester, Nylon or blend fabrics with any artwork or photo you can imagine and create.
We have the large stock of ready to print design or our creative team make design special for you.
- No Set up fee.
- Only 10 meters minimum.
- 3 working days turnaround.
We can use your textiles or offer you sublimation supplies from our warehouse, such as chiffon, satin, polyester silk, Interlog, minimed, neopren and many others.
If you have question or want to get more information, please do not hesitate to contact us! e-mail: